Naši akreditivi

Naši akreditivi

Sa skoro 30 godina iskustva i hiljadama zadovoljnih klijenata, povezanost sa vrhunskim institucijama vezanim za ucenje Engleskog jezika pretstavlja istinsku motivaciju za nas dalji rad.

Naša škola je povezana sa ‘Britanskim Savetom’ i ‘Univerzitetom Kejmbridž’ u okviru programa Addvantage i dobijanja naziva ‘Centra za pripremu Kejmbridž ispita’.

Pored toga, naša škola je 3 godine za redom stekla zvanje ‘Big Provider’ za najveći broj polaznika koji polože ispite u toku jedne školske godine.

Takođe, ‘Silvana’s School of English’ održava uspešne profesionalne kontakte sa nekoliko škola jezika u Velikoj Britaniji gde naši studenti mogu pohađati posebne programe iz Engleskog jezika.

Silvana’s School of English has been acknowledged by the British Council & University of Cambridge as the school which prepares a significant number of candidates for Cambridge ESOL exams and the opportunity to use the Cambridge ESOL Preparation Centre Logo.

We are honoured to have been given this recognition and this gives us further motivation for our work and future preparation of students for ESOL exams. We are also pleased with the success of our candidates in each exam session throughout the year as well as their average pass rate and marks.

Silvana’s School of English has been awarded Addvantage Silver in the Britisgh Council’s “Partnership Programme for Institutions” in the past year and with this recognition we enjoy the status which brings special benefits:

  • Invitations to British Council ELT seminars
  • Entry on School Finder online database
  • Access to British Council national competitions for our students and teachers
  • A British Council Addvantage membership certificate
  • Set of Addvantage stickers and web baners for your promotional needs
  • Exclusive offers for Addvantage members that the British Council announces regularly throughout the year
  • Priority dispatch of certificates and other exams documents
  • 50 % discount to Late Entry and Change of Date fees
  • 6% discount to candidate fees